Wednesday, November 7, 2007

First post!

So this is a blog... I don't really intend to waist time on this thing. I have a journal. This thing is more for thoughts that I have that I want to share with more people than myself. I want people to know what's up with me and I want to encourage people.

Things have been great for me recently it seems. I have had a ridiculous amount of homework. I have been reading Ephesians once a day, and I feel like it just has so much to say. I am really hurting not being involved in a church right now. I mostly hurt from it because I feel like I am wasting time not serving like I could. I know I am not really wasting time, like I am doing well in my homework and stuff. But I think this year I have really struggled with reaching out to people, making that extra effort to call friends or talk to new people here at Multnomah. I don't want my life to be just reaching up to God to change me, but I want it to be about helping and serving others too. I need to just get over it and decide to get involved in Red Sea. I need to talk to people here at school. I need to not sit in the back at chapel and do homework. I need to get involved in a ministry. I need to call friends I have here and be their friends better.

Thanks for reading! Read Jude 24-25 and think about it.
"Lord I could never show you anything as beautiful as You" - mewithoutYou

(don't mind my mewithoutYou stage!)



David LaChasse said...

Feeling the same way dude. I want more than anything to start getting involved. I'm definitely wanting to belong to Red Sea too. I seriously am already excited for this next Sunday. I'll be praying for you for motivation and that I will be able to keep encouraging you.

Gretchen said...

Andrew, when I think of what it is that you will "do when you grow up", I always picture ministry. Does that mean that I will be disappointed if you choose something else? Of course not, because whatever you choose can be a ministry if you accomplish your goals to glorify the Father. I just know that you have a way with people... you have a gift: you discern wisdom and truth, and you express it in a non-offending way, always leaving an impact. I am absolutely thrilled to begin serving at Red Sea. The Lord will honor and bless your desire to serve him and make a difference for his kingdom. I love you.