Monday, February 4, 2008

the radicalness of the gospel

Well, here we go. I am actually going to write a blog that is not about music or about nothing. I just listened to Mark Driscoll's sermon from yesterday about sexual sin. It was really good. He basically boils sexual sin down to the un-worship of Jesus Christ. He says that sexual sin is the worship of created things instead of the worship of the creator (Romans 1). He says that sexual sin is idolatry, and that many people live their whole lives with the religion of "sex." They spend money on it, make plans around it, worship it, think about it, make sacrifices for it, and go to hell because they decided to worship it instead of Jesus.
This sermon got me to thinking about how radical the gospel is. The good news of Jesus, that transforms people's lives, is very counter-cultural. The truth and meaning of life as conveyed by Jesus and Scripture is so opposite of the lies our culture tells us about reality. Every day, in so many ways often undetected, our culture is speaking to us. And it's not always telling us something directly. Images, internet, commercials, the radio, and TV all are telling us things as often as we indulge in them. And I fear that too much as Christians we don't realize that a world view and message is being communicated through the culture into our heads, affecting the things we value and ultimately affecting the things we worship.
That's enough for now, just some of my thoughts.

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