Saturday, November 10, 2007

My all night downtown adventure....

So I went on an adventure this morning, or sort of night, because I had not slept yet. I hung out with Lucas, Forrest, Gabe, and Jeff last night. It was super fun I thought. I got home around 1 and went online. Wasted tons of time on Myspace, Facebook, and whatever else... Talked to Becca online some, read Jeremy's blog. So I had the random urge to get an energy drink come 2:30 AM, so I went and got that from the Shell down the street. Then one thing leads to another, it's 4:30 AM and I realized sleep was the last thing on my mind. So I decided why not go see the sun rise somewhere? Anyway I am not going to try to explain my logic in doing this, but I decided to head downtown, maybe talk to some people , get some coffee, see where God takes me.

SO if you want to read my log of this, I am going to copy it directly from my real, hand-written journal, edited for public viewing.

Leaving - 4:55 AM

Riding the MAX to downtown Portland. I never slept tonight. There is an old quiet homeless guy next to me, should I talk to him? I want to, but I am afraid what would I say? What will he say? At 42nd.

5:40 AM

I'm at Starbucks in Pioneer Square. I never talked to that guy... I met "Robert" on the MAX. He had a Bible and I asked him where he got it because it looked like a Gideon Bible but I was not sure... He said he got it in jail. So we got to talking a little. He believed that he could prophecy and stop and start spiritual warfare. He believed the U.S. was Jerusalem and Portland was Mt. Zion and Saturday Market was where Jesus' clothes were auctioned He believed the Rose Garden had something to do with the Garden of Eden. I figured why not test his abilities? I asked him if he had a prophecy about me or could see insights about me. He said no but he would pray. So right there on the MAX he grabbed my hand with both of his and started to pray, not really sure about what. In the middle of it, he started to pray in tongues, and at that point I said, "My stop is next..."

6:21 AM

Oh, and "Robert" claimed to be an angel. HOW did that slip my mind?
"I'm an angel getting my wings back."
Then some weird stuff about him being there before the fall, during Lucifer's fall. Odd...

I'm back in Starbucks. So the last 40 minutes included me giving "Miyoto" some change, riding around on my bike. I saw tons of girls in their early 20's walking around by themselves which did not seem safe.
It must have rained a ton over the night. There were huge puddles everywhere. A cool crisp breeze was nice, and all the leaves from fall. I rode through China Town (which got sketchy fast), up to 10th, down Burnside, and tried to get into Stumptown, which opens at 7.
Just when I thought I was done meeting strange people, I ran into "Trey" and "Fast Freddie" while locking up my bike.
"Have you seen a little bike?" - Trey
"No, did your bike get stolen?"
"No, do you want to see it?" - Trey
"Oh, do you like cookies?" - Trey

Then I met "Fast Freddie" and they both mumbled something about the cop seeing them and how they needed to go. I said "Peace." They said, "No, war. This is war."

7:11 AM

Becoming uneventful. In Stumptown (lame I know, not creative). Ate sausage egg Mcmuffin from McDonalds because I got freaking hungry.


Interesting huh? So in Stumptown I read I Corinthians 1-7. I got really tired and figured it was time to go home. I listened to mewithoutYou on the MAX and then rode back from the 82nd stop. Went to bed at about 8:20 Got up at about 2:00.

I am glad I went into the town and talked to people, observed people, and prayed for people. As random as this is, I feel like this was a step towards me being more missional in my life and intentionally reaching out. Maybe next time I do something like this I will actually talk about Jesus instead of justpraying to him and praying for others through him.

I want to learn to be more like Jesus always... I want to learn to need less and give more.
"If I come without a thing, I come with all I need"


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