Tuesday, November 4, 2008

On Obama's victory

It's 8:20 western time, Oregon's polls have only been closed for 2o minutes. But according to many websites, Obama has basically won. I voted for Bob Barr, the Libertarian. I secretely cheered for McCain. I don't really agree with anything Obama stands for. But I truly think that in one way tonight, in one major way, America is victorious.

Tonight I was talking to my mom on the phone and I told her that I thought people liked Obama just because he was black. I also downplayed the fact that he would probably be the first black president. My mom, as she often has, humbled my ignorance. She explained to me how she grew up in the 60s as a teenager, and how she watched Martin Luther's speeches. She watched segregation end. She watched how many people were ignorant, horrible racists in that time. Then she said sonething along the lines of: "Andrew, I don't agree with anything Obama stands for either. But I am not going to lie, when he gives his victory speech tonight, it will be a tear-jerker for your father and I. I fought against racism back then, and I never imagined in my lifetime that this country would progress enough in that way to have a black president."

So tonight I give a congratulations to Obama, that he was courageous enough growing up to go against the grain for his race and head into politics. I praise America that we are (mostly) past the blind racist bigotry of yesterday. Today is not the day to complain about the bad I think Obama will bring. Today I am looking at the good. I saw Jesse Jackson crying on TV, as someone who has watched racism in the past and fought against it, and I say "Thank you God that blacks are no longer hated in America, may we progress in other ways too!"


Unknown said...

Honestly, That is pretty right on. Thanks to your moms and you living out love while holding on to your values.

Andrew and Naomi said...

hey andrew, saw ur blog on fb and i enjoyed ur post. I appreciate u finding and seeing the good, and you're right...it is cool how far we have come in the fight against racism- now if only other countries will jump on the bandwagon.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the blog. How hard is it for you to see the good in another man? On Amanda's facebook you said you couldn't understand how there could be healing? It has nothing to do with Obama or his values... it has to do with things that are of God's Kingdom that are larger than humanity. Love, unity, reconciliation, restoration, truth, strength... God has clearly used our constitution, democracy and freedom to glorify Himself. As you know... I ultimately follow a King.
Peace to you and your opinions. I imagine we probably agree much more than disagree brother.

Dorian said...

I found this article to be VERY compelling.
